This is a bit odd really, as I’m writing for something that is currently still in development. I’m really excited by he prospect of our new website, as I recognise that the old one has been neglected of late, and really doesn’t show what we do very well.
I’m also excited because we’ve been out meeting other rental companies and catching up with people we haven’t seen for a while at others. Why’s that exciting? Well because we’ve been doing this for the last four years.
Personally I’ve been trying to push the quality of what we do since I started- things like running DVI Video digitally over Fibre Optic (something we first did in 2006), which others are just starting to do. Then there’s using Apple products due to the fact that 99% of the time they let you get on with what you want to do, not fight the OS to achieve things- again a competitor has just decided to start doing that.
The Barco R10+ – we were one of the first to recognise what has become a great machine, when it ticked the boxes and we sold one to Cheltenham Racecourse in 2007, with other companies following our lead in 2008.
All in all it leaves me excited, as we’re leading the way, but also making the right decisions in terms of the kit we invest in, and then the knock on for the quality of the presentation for you as the end client.
So despite the doom and gloom 2009 promises to be an exciting and year for us. I’m certainly looking forward to the year and the challenges it brings, and making sure we meet them head on.
Speak soon,